
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Stuffed Flank Steak

This morning, in the Christmas Break way, I was sitting around pinteresting when I found this delicious looking recipe for stuffed flank steak. Justin and I are both pretty big fans of flank steak so we decided to try it out. By we I mean Justin said, "You should totally make that for dinner tonight." So I did. Now I make a lot of things off of pinterest, sometimes they turn out well, sometimes not so well, pinterest can be deceiving. But this looked pretty easy.

So, I gathered the ingredients, put on my cute apron, and got started. 

You're supposed to slice the steak open "like a book," but mine kinda looked creepily like lungs.
Creepy steak lungs.

Then you mix up all the other ingredients, and smear it over the steak. But I forgot to take a picture of that part. Then you roll it up, and you were supposed to tie it up but I didn't have any cotton string that I deemed appropriate for cooking so I made an executive decision and decided I didn't need it.

Looking good so far, right?

So then it cooks for awhile, and I went to go check out what Justin was doing. Him and Wyatt were supposed to be putting a shelf in our room for the cable box to sit on.

What good workers!

Anyway, back to the cooking. It came out looking pretty good. But in a lot of sauce slash oily liquidy stuff. The recipe didn't say anything about that so it threw me off a little. 

When we cut it up it was supposed to look like this:

Mine looked like this:
That foggy stuff is steam, not a ghost. 

So not exactly like the picture, but it tasted much better than it looked. I would recommend it actually. It was pretty easy. Tomorrow I think I'm going to try this zucchini lasagna recipe. Yum!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Joining the Blogger World

I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a while now. For one, it’s the new cool kid thing to do right? Two, I’ve been doing a lot of crafting lately and I thought this would be a great way to display how crafty I am. Also, unfortunately I don’t live very close to my family and a lot of my friends, so I thought this would be a wonderful way to document what’s going on in my life for all of them!

So what’s going on in my life right now… well because I chose to be a teacher and not make a whole lot of money for the rest of my life, I get to have a Christmas Break. Quite the upside! So what have I been doing during my break you might ask? Well not a whole lot, and that is exactly how I like it. But I made myself a to do list and it’s coming along quite nicely.

Things to do over break:
  • paint my nails in cool pinteresty ways 
    • I've done this once, hopefully a few more times before school resumes.
  • Sleep in 
    • Obviously doing this as much as I can. Obvi. 
  • Read 
    • So far I've finished the Bride Quartet by Nora Jones, and started The Host.
  • Catch up on tv 
    • So far I finished Weeds, and am switching back and fourth between How I Met Your Mother, and The Lord of the Rings movies, which I promised Justin I would watch because he watched the Harry Potter movies with me. Eight Harry Potter movies for three LOTR movies? I think this was a good deal.
  • Schedule the 55 minute massage I was gifted by the wonderful people I work with 
  • Schedule my second try at engagement pictures
    • More on this later
  • Meet with 2 potential florists
  • Meet with a potential DJ
So as you can tell... I'm really taking care of the important things. But hey, I still have 9 more days, tons of time to be productive. 

I'll let you know how well I do!