
Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 30

I am so happy to be at week 30! This feels like such a big milestone. Now we are on the downward slope… I feel as though the end is in sight!

How far along: 30 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight Gain: about 30 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Yes. On Wednesday I'm going to go shopping for something to wear to my shower and also for maternity pictures!
Stretch Marks: Just those first couple still.
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well. I'm up once or twice to go to the bathroom, and I usually wake up achey or sore in some way, but I feel rested and I'm able to sleep comfortably.
Best Moment This Week: Hanging out with my brother! Easily one of my favorite people, and he was in town yesterday and today and we got to hang out a little bit, which I loved.
Miss Anything: Beer.
Movement: Yes!!
Cravings/Aversions: Watermelon. Yum.
Queasy or sick: I had my first experience with random vomiting. I was just in the middle of eating, feeling normal and great, and all of the sudden felt so nauseous and had to run to the bathroom. Not fun. I'm hoping that that is not something I will be continuously dealing with for the next 10 weeks.
Looking forward to: My little sister coming on Wednesday!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Oh Hey Friday!

I recently found September Farm and I think she is basically great. Her and her cute little family are just too much for me to handle, and she too is expecting a little one soon! I obviously had to start following her, and then participate in her Friday link up. Naturally.

1. I am now in full on nesting mode. Which is doubled because I am also nesting on a much grander scale, and thinking of all the things I want need to get for our new house. So far I haven't gone too crazy... but the crib, dresser, nursing table, and crib mattress are all ordered and should be here soon. And the glider and diaper bag got here yesterday!!! Eeep! I have also put my MIL on the hunt for some things we might be able to find at garage sales, because she's a garage sale pro. Here's the kind of feel I'm going for.

2. Also baby related... Yesterday on the way to work a song I love and have heard approximately 352 times came on the radio. I turned it up and started to sing along, and then immediately started crying. Granted it is a kind of sad song, but it wasn't like I didn't know what to expect! Geesh these hormones!
Dont Take The Girl by Tim Mc Graw on Grooveshark

3. The Fifty Shades of Grey trailer is now out, in case you missed that yesterday. You're welcome. Does it make me a perv if I kind of want to read the book again right before the movie comes out? You know, just so I can accurately compare the movie and book.

Also, loving that Crazy In Love version.

4. My gorgeous little sister, who is following in my foot steps and just tried out for cheerleading, is coming to visit in 5 days. Yay!

5. Justin and I have our first baby class in 10 days, and then friends and family start to arrive for my shower in 15 days! I am so excited!

Happy Friday you all! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

29 Weeks

How far along: 29 weeks! Into the 3rd trimester! Woot woot!
Gender: Boy!! We were a little unsure as of our last ultrasound! Our Dr. was doing a double check for us because people were giving us a hard time about the size of our little man's equipment. They were saying that what we thought was his manhood, was actually the umbilical cord! How rude!! We decided to ask the doctor to double check. And when he did, he said girl! Today was the triple check, and it is confirmed… We have a little boy growing in there!
Weight Gain: Oh geez you all… we are getting up there. We are now at 29 pounds of weight gain. Geez. La. Weez.
Maternity Clothes: Yes. And I'm looking for a cute maternity romper to wear to my shower. If anyone sees any floating around on the interwebs please let me know!
Stretch Marks: Just those first couple still, and they're still pretty light.
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Sleep: Oh sleep. I mostly sleep well, but I have to get up to pee about 3 times per night. It's not fun.
Best Moment This Week: The ultrasound today. Confirming that we are indeed having a boy, and seeing his cute little face and he already has hair!!!! And seeing his already chunky little thighs!
Miss Anything: Bending over comfortably.
Movement: Yes!! People can feel him now!!!!!! Oh my goodness this has been so so fun and exciting! My sister and Justin have both felt the baby move and it is so great.
Cravings/Aversions: No specific cravings or aversions. Still loving watermelon though.
Queasy or sick: Nope! Feeling good!
Looking forward to: My shower in a couple weeks!

Also, I passed my glucose test so we celebrated by going out and getting these delicious desserts! Yum!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Blogmopolitan Quiz

Happy Friday everyone! Today I'm linking up with the lovely Erin for a fun Cosmo style blog quiz. I hope you enjoy!

Also, I'm linking up with Whitney. Because it's Friday, and you know what that means. 

Keep Them Kisses Comin' by Craig Campbell on Grooveshark

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I know it's Wednesday evening but a late WIL post is better than none at all right?

I'm loving connecting with friends. I get so busy and wrapped up in my own life, and then when I have a day off I just want to sit and do nothing. But I love to spend time with friends, and I love catching up. I spent some time with my friend Cara and her darling 2 month old today and it was great. I really need to make it a more regular occurrence. 

I am loving that I am now in my third trimester! At 28 weeks, statistically my baby would survive if it were born now. That is just insane to me. I'm feeling a little lazy and haven't redone the chalkboard since the 4th of July, and Justin is out of town this week so I have no photo to show you guys. But I promise an update soon. 

Speaking of baby, I am loving that my sister felt our little nugget the other day! We were at work waiting for the kiddos to show up for the day. I told her to come lay on the giant bean bag with me because the baby was moving around a ton. She put her hand only my stomach and after a minute she felt something! She thought maybe it was just my stomach gurgling but I assured her my stomach had not been gurgling and that she did indeed feel the baby. It was very exciting. 

I am loving this:

Just yes.

I am loving my new blog design. I was needing something new and I think it's just wonderful. What do you guys think?

I am loving this watermelon drink my friend introduced me to. Frozen watermelon, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of sugar. Blend. You can mix it with vodka like my friend did, with sprite like she did for me, or just by itself. It is delicious! And I just can't get enough. 

This dad's response to the song Rude. I think it's hilarious. 

I am loving that after 2 weeks of weather in the high 90's next week will be in the low 80's. And for this pregnant mama that sounds like the most wonderful thing ever.

I am loving that Justin will be home in just 4 more sleeps. I need him to come back here to help me make the bed, fix the chromecast when it's not working, and do the cat litter. And also because he makes me laugh, and I love him like crazy. A week is too long to be separated.

I am loving that I got a Petunia Pickle Bottom bag for 48% off yesterday. And the outlet sale is still going on now. Go check it out.

I hope you're all having a wonderful week! Happy Humpday!

Monday, July 14, 2014

There's nothing like country music in the summertime...

I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, but nothing truly has my heart like country music. Especially in the summer. There's just something about driving with the windows down and the radio blasting country music that puts a smile on my face and makes my heart happy. I feel like this summer especially there are so many amazing songs. I never want to turn off the radio. And because Garth Brooks, aka the best country artist of all times, is supposed to announce his tour dates tomorrow, I figured today was a great day for a country music post.

(Also, because my husband isn't the biggest country fan, I figure listening to as much country as possible now will only make Baby M like country music and then we will hold the majority in picking the radio station when we're all in the car together.)

Anyway… The country music I'm loving right now:

10. Sunshine and Whisky- Frankie Ballard

9. Drunk On A Plane- Dierks Bentley

8. Bartender- Lady Antebellum

7. Whiskey In My Water- Tyler Farr

6. Yeah- Joe Nichols

5. Keep Them Kisses Comin'- Craig Campbell

4. My Eyes- Blake Shelton

 3. Clockwork- Easton Corbin

2. Rewind- Rascal Flatts

1. Play It Again- Luke Bryan

You're welcome! =)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Property Owners!

It's official! We closed on our loan on Friday and now are officially land owners! We bought a half acre lot in Hayden, close to Hayden Lake. This was quite the process, with a lot more steps then I even could have imagined, but we are so excited to finally have our lot! We are now waiting for permits, and will brake ground hopefully within a week! We hope to be in our new home by Christmas, or maybe a little bit after.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Photo Dump: Doodle's Birthday, The 4th, and some other random stuff

We've been pretty busy lately. A lot os going on and I haven't had much time to be blogging. I figured that since a picture is worth a thousand words I would do a little photo dump to share with you guys a little bit of what has been going on in our lives!

I'm working up at a Country Club's Kids Camp for the summer. And by working I mean this:

This little one stuffed a ball under her shirt so we could match. 


 Doodle's Birthday party was a success:

I made some dog friendly cupcakes, using this recipe. They were a hit. 

I made one of my weekly stops to Michael's and noticed that they have their fall decorations out! I got super excited… When fall gets here, so does my baby boy!!

While on a 4th of July themed Pub Pedal over the weekend I met this Cockatoo named Napoleon. We bonded over our love for having our head scratched and cheese.

The delicious pie I made for the 4th!

The only pictures we managed to take on the 4th…. Whoops. 

I hope you all had a wonderful, safe holiday weekend!