
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

36 Weeks and WILW

I'm not saying What I'm Loving Wednesday is back for good, I don't know if I am ready for that kind of commitment. But it will be making some appearances.

But first let's do a little Baby M update!

How far along: 36 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight Gain: 30 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes yes yes.
Stretch Marks: Yes yes yes.
Belly button in or out: Shallow, but still in.
Sleep: I'm doing ok in this department. As long as my pillows are all positioned correctly.
Best Moment This Week: Perhaps when two of my 1st graders asked if they could hear my baby and put their ears to my stomach, at the same time. =)
Miss Anything: Doing things comfortably.
Movement: Yes yes yes.
Cravings/Aversions: Skittles. Mmm.
Queasy or sick: Not queasy or sick but Baby is now pushing on my sciatic nerve which puts quite the pain in my butt. Literally.
Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound on the 18th!

Now on to things I'm loving…

I am loving The League. It is so not a show I would normally go for, but I love it. I find it hilarious and I am so glad the newest season is on Netflix now.

I am loving football season. It just screams fall to me! And I love lazy Sundays watching football and trash talking.

I am loving the cute ways my students act around my belly. The other day I was helping out getting kids into the car line to go home.
A first grader comes up to me and says, "So you're going to have a baby?"
And I said, "Yes, I am."
Then he replies, "Yea, I've seen you around. I was trying to decide if you were fat or going to have a baby."
Me, "Yea, I'm going to have a baby."
Thanks kid. But really I couldn't help but laugh. =)

I am loving this wreath I made for my MIL. She picked out the colors she wanted and I put it all together and I think it just came together beautifully! I don't have a house to decorate this season, so any decorations I can contribute to my MIL's house helps to satisfy my craving a little bit.

I am loving the Chicken Gnocchi soup my MIL and I made this weekend. Seriously, so delicious. Recipe coming soon. You're welcome in advance.

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