
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

37 Weeks! Full Term Baby!

Woohoo!! Let's do a little happy dance shall we! We are now officially full term! Our hospital bag is packed, our little nursery is set up, we're taking our birthing classes! Baby M can show up any time now!

How far along: 37 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight Gain: 30 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yes. #imafan
Stretch Marks: Yep. #imnotafan
Belly button in or out: Shallow, but still in.
Sleep: My precious husband has been quite congested lately, and in his congested state he's become quite the snorer. Between that and my uncomfortableness I am not getting much sleep. But hey, that's just getting me ready for his arrival right?!
Best Moment This Week: Getting to 37 weeks! So happy to be full term!
Miss Anything: Quite a bit. But at this point I'm more concentrated on wanting him here than I am on things that I'm missing.
Movement: Yes! So much! And much stronger movement too! He's getting to be quite strong and his kicks and punches are actually starting to hurt a little bit!
Cravings/Aversions: We made a stop at the grocery store last night to pick up that ice cream with the potato chips in it, so there's that.
Queasy or sick: Luckily I haven't had too much sciatic nerve pain this week! But Baby M has definitely started to drop and is putting more and more pressure on my lower back and bladder! I'm not in pain, just starting to be quite uncomfortable.
Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound on the 18th! I will find out if I'm dilated at all, we will get to see our little man again, see if he's head down, get an estimate on his size/weight, it's going to be an exciting appointment!!

1 comment:

  1. AHHHH! SO excited for you!! I feel like you just announced that you were preggo a few minutes ago! (yes, I've been reading that long- just not very good at commenting)! Seriously though, this is all so awesome! Can't wait to see his cute little face!
