
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014 and a little What I'm Loving Wednesday

We were blessed enough to get to celebrate Thanksgiving twice this year. We celebrated once in Coeur d'Alene with Justin's family and my brother, and then we celebrated again in Moscow with my siblings and my dad.

My MIL and I put together an amazing dinner, and did so much planning and prep ahead of time that it was possibly the easiest Thanksgiving day I have been a part of. Go us.

I bought that little turkey hat for Sawyer over the summer when I was still pregnant. At that time Thanksgiving seemed like forever away. I can't believe he's already almost 2 months old!

I am loving that we got to go downtown on Friday and watch the parade, the fireworks, and all of the downtown Christmas lights get turned on at once! Justin usually has to work and misses it, so it was so nice for him to be off. The weather was horrible, rainy and windy, but we braved it out and the rain stopped just in time for the fireworks. It was great, I'm glad we stuck it out.

I am loving that I got to spend some time with my siblings. It's so fun when we all get together. I laughed until I cried multiple times over the weekend. No one makes me laugh quite like they do.

so much concentration

I am loving watching Sawyer interact with my family. They all love him so much and literally fight over who gets to hold him next. To say he is going to be a spoiled child would be an understatement. He also loves my dad's voice. When my dad talks to him he get's totally still and just smiles and stares at him. It's so cute.

I am loving the stocking kit that I am working on for Sawyer. Justin's mom made the same kind of stockings for all of her boys and they are just beautiful. I thought it would be fun for our family to have matching ones. I thought I would be able to bust it out before Christmas but it's slightly more complicated then I thought it would be. We'll see how far I get!

I am loving that I have been cleared for exercise! I did my first post baby yoga class last night. It was hard but I'm excited to get back into it!

I am loving all the progress on our house! The inside has all been painted and the hardwood floors are going in soon! It's all coming together! We are picking out rugs and carpets and furniture, and it seems like we will be moving in in no time! I am so excited.

I am loving that Sawyer is starting to sleep longer hours at night. I got 6 uninterrupted hours of sleep last night and it was glorious. It was probably a fluke but hey, I'll take what I can get.

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