
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Favorite Things Party

My friend Jenn hosted her 3rd annual Favorite Things Party over the weekend and it was so much fun! Such good food, great presents, delicious drinks, and fabulous company! And Jenn did such an amazing job with all of the decorations and decor!

For those of you who don't know, heres how it works: You bring three wrapped presents (something that is your favorite), all the same, all about $10.00. When you get to the party you pull 3 people's names, and you get to open a present from each of them! Everyone goes around and explains their gift, and why it is their favorite!

I brought a set of 3 mixing bowls from Target. I love kitchen stuff, love Target, and love that these particular bowls have little rubber things on the bottom to keep them still on your counter. Plus when I bought them they were on sale, which is another one of my favorite things! And they matched the plaid theme of the party! They are just great!

I got to bring home: a lip gloss and lip liner, a 6 pack of a delicious IPA and Ghirardelli chocolates, and a bottle of wine! Alcohol and make up, my favorites! ;)

Thanks Jenn for hosting such a fun party! Can't wait for the next one!


1 comment:

  1. We are doing a favorite thing party tonight! We have 8 girls attending the party tonight
