
Friday, November 6, 2015

Oh Hey Friday!!

Oh Heyyyyy! I'm back and I've got 5 for things for you!

Thing 1: I am loving the season we are in right now! I know it's been fall for awhile, and some people might go as far as to say that fall is almost over, but still. This is probably my favorite time of the year! Perhaps it's because at the beginning of October when fall really started, our house was Sawyers Circus crazy, then all of that went away and the Halloween decorations came out. Now, all of that is away, and it's fall! My birthday is right around the corner, it's finally getting cold enough to be bundled up and have the fireplace on (and I have a fireplace to turn on!!!!), I love all of my fall decorations! Everything is just perfect!

Thing 2: I have been extremely extremely busy and overwhelmed at work. But I have hit a rhythm and it feels good. I know that working with kids is what I'm good at, and when I can tell I am reaching kids, it makes the stress worth it, and reminds me why I really do love my job.

Thing 3: Sawyer's golf club. Oh my lord, ya'll. This kid. He got some golf clubs for his birthday. And he has one in particular that he is obsessed with. And I don't use the word lightly. He takes it everywhere; in the car, in the bath, even tries to sleep with it! And don't even think about trying to take it away. When he is eating (or doing anything else where we don't want a golf club flying around) we have to hide it out of sight so he doesn't have a fit! He was an astronaut for Halloween and he carried it around the whole time we were trick-or-treating. Sawyer Jay, the golfing astronaut. I cant even.

Thing 4: I'm going to one of my bestie's Favorite Things Party this weekend and I am so excited! Have you guys been to one of those? It is a blast! I can't wait to see all the great things! It's like Oprah's Favorite Things release, but better because its with your friends, there's alcohol involved, and you get to bring things home!

Thing 5: I am really excited about Christmas this year. I know I just got done talking about how happy I am that it's fall, and it's true! But still, I'm so excited. It could be the fact that we are in our new house for our first Christmas and I am excited to decorate it, it could be that my brother is basically Buddy the Elf this year and is in charge of all of the lights down town, it could be that I am so excited to see Sawyer experience Christmas this year, I dont know. But I'm even a little teeny tiny bit excited about the snow! And that's saying something!

Happy Friday guys! Have a wonderful weekend!


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