
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Theo at 6 months 

Theo James. You are 6 months old! I cannot even believe you have already been alive, and that I have kept you alive, for half a year! You are the sweetest little nugget that ever was. I can't even start to talk about you without getting the hugest smile on my face. 

One of my favorite parts of the day is after nursing you before bed. You are freshly bathed and lotioned and smelling delicious, your belly is full and you just look at me and start to smile and coo and reach up and touch my face, and I just love it. My heart. 

You started daycare last week and you're doing so great! Everything is going pretty well. 

You are still a nursing champ, exhibit A: 

(I mean look at those thighs!) 

I feel like maybe I shouldn't even type out the words because I might jinx it but you are finally starting to sleep through the night again! Praise! From 7pm to about 6:30 and I couldn't be more thrilled. 

You are still wearing 3-6 month pajamas and onesies, although the 6-9 month clothes really do for you better. Your sweet belly and thighs are so delicious, it takes all my strength not to bite them on the daily! 

You have started on baby foods and now you think any food in my hands belongs to you. So far you've had peas, squash, sweet potatoes, zucchini, and carrots, and you haven't met a food you don't like! Exhibit B:

You have rolled from back to belly a few times, but you have to be super motivated because you would much rather lay on your back and kick and talk and reach for your toys on your activity mat. 

You are getting so close to being able to sit on your own. You can do it for about 30 seconds, sometimes longer before you topple over. 

You (and your brother) love to listen to music in the car and you will start to fuss if I'm talking on the phone too much or if it's too quiet. 

You are a little snuggler and give the sweetest little "hugs." When I pick you up after nap time you grab onto my face or around my neck and just burrow your face into me. I absolutely love it! 

Your eyes are still blue so I'm going to go ahead and say they're going to stay! Jury's still out on who you look like. People that see you often usually say you look like me but then someone we haven't seen in awhile will say, "oh wow, he looks just like daddy!" 

We love you so much darling little boy! It is such a blessing to be your momma! 

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