
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Agave and Cinnamon Bananas

Hey guys! It's Tuesday and time for me to share another yummy recipe with you. Today we are making delicious little Agave and Cinnamon Bananas. You might have seen a variation of this recipe on Pinterest. Most of them call for honey though and I like agave better so that's what I used.

What you'll need:

  • Cinnamon
  • Coconut oil
  • Agave
  • Bananas

 1. Get out a frying pan and put a few spoonfuls of coconut oil in the bottom over medium heat. If you have the spray just nicely coat the bottom.

2. Slice up the bananas about a quarter of an inch thick. This is just an estimation though. It's not like I had my ruler out measuring those babies.

This is 2 bananas worth. 

3. While those are frying up combine 2 tablespoons of agave with 1 tablespoon of water.

4. After about 3-5 minutes the bananas will start to get toasty looking. That's when you want to flip them all over.

5. Once you get them all flipped over pour the agave water combo over the top. This is when the magic happens. 

6. Sprinkle with cinnamon. (Side note: Do you know how good cinnamon is for you? It has anti-clotting actions, anti-microbial actions, helps with blood sugar control, boosts brain function, improves colon health, and protects against heart disease. Seriously. So sprinkle on that cinnamon. Sprinkle it on real good.) source

6. Now you wait until all of the agave and water bubbles away. Check the bananas often to make sure you aren't burning any. If they start to get too brown you can take them out while the rest finish up.

7. Then you're finished! Transfer to a plate and let them cool. You can eat them plain, on ice cream or on yogurt! Yum, yum, yum!!

Please ignore that one on the left side that looks a little burnt. He got away from me...

Try these little tasties out and let me know how you guys like them!!

P.S. How funny is this picture of Doodle... 

... he seriously just sat there with his front legs on the ground for about 20 minutes. 

Also, I tried to lighten this picture up so you could see his eyes but it didn't really help. He's just too dark. Oh well. But trust me...he's cute. 

1 comment:

  1. This is making my mouth water! I'll definitely give this a try soon, thanks for sharing!!

    Ps- Doodle is just too cute!
