
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weekend Recap: Moscow and Brownie Taste Tests

Well my weekend actually started around Wednesday... rough life I know. But I still have 2 weeks of summer so I've got to live it up!

On Tuesday right after I got back from Watershed my dad came into town and let me know that I was going to Moscow with him to see my brother and sister. Well, it sounded like a pretty good idea and I had nothing else going on so I decided, why not?

We headed down to Moscow in style with the top down.

Once we got to Moscow we helped my brother with some things around the house. I was in charge of taking a faulty door handle off of the door. And I rocked it. We also made a bar for him, because we are skilled.
This is the only picture of the bar I managed to snap.  Don't mind those empty bags... that's just the bag of dog food and dog treats that I brought for Doodle. After him and Chad's dog found them when we were out. Nice, I know. 
While we were there a story came up about how my brother complained when my sister bought a brand of brownies that was not his brand. My sister and I insisted that he would never have known if he had not seen the box. He insisted otherwise. How did we solve this problem? We had a blind browning tasting. Duh. 
The Contenders. Pilsbury was the brand my sister bought. Betty Crocker is Chad's favorite brand. Ghiradelli was just to throw him off. 
Mixing them up!
What we gave to Chad. (On the new bar too!)
Examining the options...

This is the face of total concentration... 
And the results.... He knew the which one was Betty Crocker! I never would have thought... and to be honest I actually liked that one the best too.

Also while I was in Moscow I got to stop by my sorority. 

Such wonderful memories of this place. 
I also found this adorable picture of me from freshman year. What a little baby.
Small shout out to all my Kappas out there getting ready for rush! I hope you all have an amazing year and rush an amazing pledge class. And enjoy it while you can... it goes by too quickly!

No place in the world quite like Moscow.


  1. I am stopping by from Mingle Monday! Looks like you had a great weekend! Gosh I would love to see some of my sorority sisters! Btw if you are looking for some sisters that are bloggers you should check out this linkup that happened two weeks ago. Tons of sorority girls that are bloggers linked up and there is a great chance you will meet a sister!

    1. Wow thank you so much! I will definitely check it out! =) And thank you for stopping by!
