
Friday, January 16, 2015

3 Months!

Sawyer is 3 months old! Can you believe it? I cannot.

He is still a super smiley baby but you wouldn't know it by these pictures I took. The camera light was super interesting to him, so we got zero smiles. Only interested stares with huge eyes. Which is also a pretty popular face for him.

Sawyer is now in daycare. We went back to work last week, but my sister was so wonderful and came up to watch him for the week. This week we were back at work and Sawyer was in daycare. I only cried one day. So thats good. Not going to lie. It's pretty hard. But I just remind myself that it's harder for me than it is for him!

And daycare goes pretty well. They have a lot of mirrors, and he loves to smile and giggle at himself. They have a ceiling fan which he is obsessed with. And they play classical music at nap time, which Justin loves. His "teachers" say he is just a happy smiley baby. So thats great.

Sawyer is still in 0-3 month clothes. His sleepers are getting tight in the length, but not in the body. I bought a super cute Valentine's Day outfit in 3-6 month size, so hopefully we'll be able to fill it out soon!

Sawyer loves TV. Obsessed. He honestly cannot be in the same room as the TV. It pulls him in, and he just stares. If you try to turn him away he will whine and turn his neck as far as he can to try to keep watching.

Sawyer has about a million nicknames. Everyone calls him something different. There's SoySoy, Soy Bean, Saw, Rip Saw, Rip, Baby M, SJ, Muffin, Pumpkin Head.... the list goes on.

His hair is really growing! It's getting long enough that when it's wet we can give him a little combover. Its freaking adorable.

He is getting really good at getting things to his mouth. Fingers are automatic now, but he also is pretty good at putting toys and his pacifier to his mouth. He can't always get the right part of the pacifier in, but he entertains himself trying.

We have a rolling baby! He has been rolling from his tummy to his back! He needs a little help sometimes getting his hands in front of him, but he's getting good at it! Sunday morning I couldn't even keep him on his tummy, every time I put him there he would just flip right over!

In the last month we have been really strict about getting our little man on a schedule and bedtime routine, and it's the best thing we ever did. It makes everyone so much happier, and it's been making Sawyer sleep so well! He usually wakes up once in the night, usually around 2 or 3. But we've also had a handful of nights where he's slept all the way through the night! It's funny though, I still wake up to listen for him and check on him!

He's changing so much! I look back at the first and second month posts and I am always surprised at how much smaller he looks. Time sure is flying by!

Monday, January 5, 2015

You could be a new mom if...

To say my life has changed since Sawyer has been born would be an understatement. The other day I found myself cheering when Sawyer pooped for the first time in 36 hours, and I thought, whoa... Never thought that would happen! Here are some signs you're in the new mom club with me.

1. You smell someone's butt on a regular basis. (And maybe even cheer when there's poop.)

2. These days living on the edge is burping your baby without a burp cloth.

3. You have to really think about the last time you showered. And sometimes you can't remember. Really though.

4. You go from a well rounded instagrammer to your last 6, no 7, no 8 posts being of your child. Sorry friends.

5. You pick out an outfit based on how easy it is going to be to get to your boobs. #breastfeedingproblems

6. You and your husband used to be able to pack for a weekend trip in just a few bags. Now a weekend trip requires the full bed of a pickup truck to haul around all of the things you need.

7. You may or may not smell clothes to decide if they are acceptable to wear. And maybe even wear something with baby puke on it because its not that bad.

8. You find your self swaying back and forth or slightly bouncing, even when you're not holding your baby. That's normal right?

9. You become super speedy at so many things. For example I now can clear my plate in under 2 minutes, and can be in and out of the shower, dressed, and semi presentable in 10.

10. You are so tired. All. of. the. time.

11. You become irrationally upset if your baby is woken up by someone else's noise. (Cue me yelling at Justin for not holding in his sneeze, and waking Sawyer up yesterday. When he told me that's impossible I told him I know from experience that it's not.)

Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 in Review

The past two years I have done a review post and it's honestly one of my faves! I love to be able to look back at some of the best memories of the year! So here we go...

January: New Year's Day I went to Seattle for a girl's weekend with some of my best friends. It was so much fun. We also found out we were pregnant at the very end of the month, and told some of our family!

February: We hosted a super fun Superbowl party and told the rest of our family our big news!

March: My sister turned 21! We went on a fun Pub Pedal, and we got to announce to the world that we were expecting!

April: We moved in with my in-laws, celebrated Easter, and had the crappiest week.

May: What a fun month! We found out that we were expecting a boy! We hosted our 3rd Annual Beer Olympics, my MIL and I saw Wicked, Justin turned 27, and Justin and I went on a boat trip with my family!

June: We celebrated our first anniversary!

July: We celebrated Doodle's 2nd birthday with a full on puppy party! I made an awesome pie for 4th of July, and we signed papers making us official property owners!

August: I worked at Black Rock again this summer, but this time with Veronica at Kid's Camp. August was filled with fun days making melty bead princesses, swimming, and crafting. I also had a truly wonderful baby shower, and ate a LOT of watermelon. 

September: In September I went back to school. I also did a lot of my last minute baby prep! I also interviewed Justin Jay for one of my favorite blog posts. 

October: Of course the best month of our year... what we had been looking forward to since January, was October. Our Little Sawyer Jay arrived on October 14th! By far the best part of our entire year! =)

November: In November we finally felt like we came up for air after a whirlwind October! I turned 26 and we celebrated two wonderful Thanksgivings with so so much to be thankful for!

December: Wow, what a busy month! Justin graduated, earning his Bachelor's, Sawyer was baptized, and many Christmases were celebrated! 

2014 was an amazing year filled with the biggest blessing! I know that there are some exciting things coming in 2015 (like moving into our new house!) but it's going to be pretty hard to top 2014! But here's to trying! Wishing you all a year full of love and peace!