
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Sawyer's Christmas Wish List

So obviously Sawyer is a little young to be wishing for things, the only things he really wishes for are food, and bottles, but these are the things I want for Sawyer this year, or maybe some things I know Santa is going to be bringing him. Because Santa and I... we're tight. 

1. Fisher-Price Little People A Christmas Story I have had my eye on this little set since before I was pregnant! I bought it for my nephew for his first Christmas, and I just think it's the cutest! It's something that we can continue to use year after year, and I love toys that also will teach Sawyer about the true meaning of Christmas. 

2. Power Wheels Ride-On Lil' Quad by Fisher-Price I know he's a little young for this right now, but common... Just picture him cruising around on it! How cute, right?!

3. Freshly Picked Green Camo Moccs I only hear amazing things about these shoes, and they are so cute too!

4. Little Tikes Easy Score Basketball Set  Sawyer got a little basketball hoop for in the bath tub for his birthday. He loves it, and spends the majority of his bath time dunkin'. He's a natural. He is also obsessed with balls. Obsessed. And it's by far his favorite word. Every Christmas tree bulb is a "ball" that he wants to hold. Anyway... this seems the obvious choice for Sawyer's Santa present this year!

5. My First Crayola Scribbled Egg Crayons  He has started scribbling every now and then with chalk or crayons, or whatever I let him get ahold of. These cute little guys are egg shaped so they're easier for little hands to hold on to. They'll make a great stocking stuffer!

6. The Story of Christmas Books, books, books! I cannot get enough. Our library is overflowing and I still want more. But again, I am all about teaching the real meaning of Christmas and this book does a great job. We have The Story of Easter as well, and they're great!

7. Burt's Bees Jammies We started a tradition this year of matching family jammies! I am so stoked about it. Justin was skeptical at first but even he loves them. They are so comfy, and we all look great. I promise. Just wait and see. 

8. Santa is Coming to Idaho There are a few of these kinds of books (The Easter Bunny Comes to Idado, a Halloween one, and I think Thanksgiving too) and they are so fun. Santa stops by all of these Idaho specific landmarks, and even stops specifically in our city in our downtown park! I know this will be a fun book to read when Sawyer gets a little bit older. I also bought Santa is Coming to California for my Godson! I can't wait for him to read it!

9. Melissa and Doug Wooden Alphabet Magnets  I love the retro feel of all of the Melissa and Doug toys. And Sawyer needs some alphabet toys in his life!

What do you guys think? Is there anything not on this list that I totally need to get for my little man?! What is on the top of your kiddos' Christmas List?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wish List 2015

Ahhhh! The wish list! This is one of my favorite posts to put together! I always do it in the fall, and it's a signal that my birthday is around the corner! I waited until the last minute this year, since my birthday is on Thursday!! But there's always Christmas too! ;) 

1. Keurig 2.0 K250 Brewing System- So I love me some coffee. But Justin goes a little bit crazy in the morning with his coffee. We have to request "normal" coffee when we have guests. Justin's coffee has been called sludge and mud, it's basically straight coffee bean in liquid form. He makes a pot in the morning and then drinks is all day long, and even sometimes the next day again if its not all gone. Sick. Anyway. All of that to say... I like to be in control of my own cup of coffee. So me and my keurig are buddies. When I first got one a couple of years ago I got the personal one, that only brews one cup at a time, and you fill the water each time you use it. It's great and all, but I would really love an upgrade!

2. Maskcara IIID Foundation Palette- I have been following Ms. Cara Brooks since before I had a blog. I found her on Pinterest and became obsessed with her make up tutorials. She talked in all of them about how one day she would create her own make up line, and then she did it! And I want need it. I have been admiring the before and after photos on the Mascara instagram page for far too long. 

3. Alex & Ani Cross Wrap Bracelet- I love my collection of Alex and Ani bracelets. They will probably always be on my wish list. I would love this cross one, or the apple one. 

4. Bip & Bop Kelly Cluster Necklace- I would love to have one of these necklaces! I would put my anniversary on the bar, and Sawyer's initials on the circle! 

5. Custom Address Stamp- Before we moved I had one of these. Then Doodle ate it. Then I ordered a new one. Then like 6 months later we moved. So now I need another new one. They are just so fun! And they seriously save so much time!

6. Cutco Galley Set- I grew up with Cutco knives, and then when we lived with my in-laws, they had Cutco knives too. They are the best. And i got used to a certain level of greatness, so now my knives are just not cutting it anymore (see what I did there ;)). 

7. Silverware Set- (Ours are from Bed, Bath, and Beyond but I couldn't find the exact link.) You know you're getting old when your wish list is filled with kitchen and home products. But seriously. I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year, and we only have one silverware set, which does not have enough pieces for my family. This simply will not do. 

8. Pacific Beach Sofa- We really need a new couch. The one from our old house just doesn't fit right in the new house. This plus a big fancy arm chair would be my dream. Justin's dream involves leather and cup holders and something I am not willing to put in this house. So we are at a stand still. But a girl can dream!

9. Calvin Klein Gigi Boot- A girl can never have too many boots. And I have been really wanting some over the knee ones!

10. Littlest Warrior Be Kind Tee- Be Kind could pretty much could be my life motto. Plus, I hate mean people. Plus, Littlest Warrior is a super cool business, spreading awareness and inclusion and I love it. 

11. Pink Box Drill Set- Since we moved into our new house I have been doing more and more projects lately that involve a drill. I would like to have my own so that it can always be charged, and clean, and organized, and I don't have to go into the cold garage and dig around in that mess to find it. Plus, its pink!

12. Apollo Tools Set- Basically the same reasons as 11. But I have started my own little collection of tools. I have a hammer and a measuring tape, and I could really use some screwdrivers so that I can more easily put new batteries in all of Sawyer's toys without breaking off the tips of my knives (another reason I need new knives!). 

What do you guys think? Good list? Are you in agreement with me about the couch? And I totally need that new Keurig right? I'd love to hear what you think!


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Favorite Things Party

My friend Jenn hosted her 3rd annual Favorite Things Party over the weekend and it was so much fun! Such good food, great presents, delicious drinks, and fabulous company! And Jenn did such an amazing job with all of the decorations and decor!

For those of you who don't know, heres how it works: You bring three wrapped presents (something that is your favorite), all the same, all about $10.00. When you get to the party you pull 3 people's names, and you get to open a present from each of them! Everyone goes around and explains their gift, and why it is their favorite!

I brought a set of 3 mixing bowls from Target. I love kitchen stuff, love Target, and love that these particular bowls have little rubber things on the bottom to keep them still on your counter. Plus when I bought them they were on sale, which is another one of my favorite things! And they matched the plaid theme of the party! They are just great!

I got to bring home: a lip gloss and lip liner, a 6 pack of a delicious IPA and Ghirardelli chocolates, and a bottle of wine! Alcohol and make up, my favorites! ;)

Thanks Jenn for hosting such a fun party! Can't wait for the next one!


Monday, November 9, 2015

On The Day You Were Born

So remember how I told you that I was going to have to do a post all about the book that my sister made for Sawyer's birthday? Well here we go, I'm holding true to my promises! I had seen similar books floating around the internet but they weren't exactly what I wanted, so I had my sister (who blogs over at Nik-Knack) whip one up for me. And when I say whip one up, I mean she actually spent a lot of time on it and it was quite the labor of love. But I am obsessed with it, and so so grateful!

Isn't it so wonderful?! I am obsessed. If you love it as much as I do and you're interested in hiring her to make one for you, or for a friend, loved one, dog, acquaintance, whatever... you can email her at .


Friday, November 6, 2015

Oh Hey Friday!!

Oh Heyyyyy! I'm back and I've got 5 for things for you!

Thing 1: I am loving the season we are in right now! I know it's been fall for awhile, and some people might go as far as to say that fall is almost over, but still. This is probably my favorite time of the year! Perhaps it's because at the beginning of October when fall really started, our house was Sawyers Circus crazy, then all of that went away and the Halloween decorations came out. Now, all of that is away, and it's fall! My birthday is right around the corner, it's finally getting cold enough to be bundled up and have the fireplace on (and I have a fireplace to turn on!!!!), I love all of my fall decorations! Everything is just perfect!

Thing 2: I have been extremely extremely busy and overwhelmed at work. But I have hit a rhythm and it feels good. I know that working with kids is what I'm good at, and when I can tell I am reaching kids, it makes the stress worth it, and reminds me why I really do love my job.

Thing 3: Sawyer's golf club. Oh my lord, ya'll. This kid. He got some golf clubs for his birthday. And he has one in particular that he is obsessed with. And I don't use the word lightly. He takes it everywhere; in the car, in the bath, even tries to sleep with it! And don't even think about trying to take it away. When he is eating (or doing anything else where we don't want a golf club flying around) we have to hide it out of sight so he doesn't have a fit! He was an astronaut for Halloween and he carried it around the whole time we were trick-or-treating. Sawyer Jay, the golfing astronaut. I cant even.

Thing 4: I'm going to one of my bestie's Favorite Things Party this weekend and I am so excited! Have you guys been to one of those? It is a blast! I can't wait to see all the great things! It's like Oprah's Favorite Things release, but better because its with your friends, there's alcohol involved, and you get to bring things home!

Thing 5: I am really excited about Christmas this year. I know I just got done talking about how happy I am that it's fall, and it's true! But still, I'm so excited. It could be the fact that we are in our new house for our first Christmas and I am excited to decorate it, it could be that my brother is basically Buddy the Elf this year and is in charge of all of the lights down town, it could be that I am so excited to see Sawyer experience Christmas this year, I dont know. But I'm even a little teeny tiny bit excited about the snow! And that's saying something!

Happy Friday guys! Have a wonderful weekend!


Monday, October 12, 2015

Sawyer's Circus!

Wow wow wow! Can you even believe that Sawyer is 1?! We celebrated his birthday this weekend with family and friends and it was one heck of a party! ;) Let's get straight to the pictures, because there are a lot of them!
The little black and white picture is actually a board book that my sister designed for Sawyer. I think it needs to have its own post because it is absolutely wonderful. So be looking for that. 

The beautiful cross stitch my mom made!

Totally obsessed with this gold club. Probably his favorite present!

Sawyer's great aunt made him this quilt! She made one for me and all of my siblings too, so this was very special!

Giants gear from Great Grandma!

Feeding mom cake!

Not pleased that I took it away! 

Thank you so much to all of our family and friends that came and celebrated Sawyer with us. We love you all and are so blessed to have you in our lives! Also, special thanks to Nikkie, the party planner extraordinaire! I couldn't have done it with you and your mad skills. Love you!