I'm sorry that have been so MIA lately people. I have been crazy stupid busy. Want to know what I've been up to?! Good! Because I'm going to tell you.
1. Last week on Thursday we went to the fair! The fair is kind of a big deal for us because the fair was our very first date. You can read about it
here if you really want to.
sweet sand sculptures |
the only ride we ever go on |
Tiger! |
Yes... this is a baby llama with a diaper on drinking from a bottle. |
We decided to test our strength with a classic fair game.
Justin |
Wyatt |
Me... yea, Justin is a great photographer, huh? |
And because I was the strongest (not really) the carny woman gave me a pity prize. Which I gave to Doodle as soon as I got home. He really appreciated it. We also stuffed our bellies with amazing fair food. Seriously, it's one of my favorite things.
2. Camping! Another thing that I seriously love and another thing that always reminds me of Justin and I first meeting and getting together. We left Friday morning after the fair and came back on Sunday morning. We went up around Mica Bay with Justin's mom and stepdad and we had such a good time. We love getting to spend time with them.
Cheese, crackers, wine, and SkipBo... this is how we do camping. |
What is camping without s'mores?! |
Doodle is not the best swimmer. This is something we have really been working on. Poodles are actually supposed to be great swimmers and actually have webbed little feetsies! It drives Justin crazy that Doodle hates the water. We decided to try one more time with the support of a life vest. Yes, I'm serious.
He still hated it. Thank goodness summer is almost over and we don't have to try again for a whole year.
3. Monday was my first official day back to work. I spent all day in my classroom setting up cubbies and bulletin boards and organizing crayons and markers and pencils. Pictures coming soon!
4. Monday was also the 26th of August. That means Justin and I have officially been together for 2 years. I know that most people don't celebrate their anniversary of dating anymore once they are married but it's still a special day for us. So we went and got sushi for dinner. Justin also said that this anniversary is like fate's anniversary and our marriage anniversary is our planned anniversary. So they are both special for different reasons. I just love that man and feel so blessed to have him in my life.
The 26th of August was also National Dog Day. So shout out to my favorite furry friend. I love you so much and am so sorry I put embarrassing pictures of you in a life jacket on the blog today. (I'm sorry in advance for the overload of Doodle photos. We're a little obsessed.)
5. We are also starting the couch to 5K running program today. I downloaded the app on my phone which I love and we are going to do it together to keep each other accountable and motivated. I'm really excited.
Ok you guys, thats what I've been up to! I'm going to have to really focus on not being a sucky blogger now that I'm back to work! How do you guys do it?! Hope you're having a great week so far!